I’m not going to go into all the detail of frame construction, etc, etc, etc.. that others may do, as you know by now, I’m more interested in how a racket plays, how it feels, who is it going to be for, and a little bit more direct in that respect.
I don’t need to go into all the minute detail but let’s, let’s just go through one or two bits and pieces for you anyway.
So first of all, this has got a lovely matt black finish and green decals and looks absolutely superb.
They’ve used a sort of clear grommets in the sort of throat positions here in the U grommets, again just a little finishing touch looks really, really nice.
This is a 4U G5 and as you would expect from the name of the racket, it’s going to be head heavy falls under the Astrox range, which is always head heavy, it’s all about power but there’s a nice sort of medium flex in there as well.
There are quite a few things that are worth noting with this racket…
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