Richardson Hitchins and Gustavo Lemos delivered a hell of a fight that could’ve gone either way in the end.
The judges only saw it one way, to the detriment of the intimate but passionate crowd.
Brooklyn’s Hitchins was forced to survive a major gut check to prevail in their DAZN-aired IBF junior welterweight title eliminator. The nip and tuck affair saw Hitchins claim a twelve-round unanimous decision Saturday evening at Fontainebleau Las Vegas. Judges Tim Cheatham (117-111), Max DeLuca (115-113) and Steve Weisfeld (115-113) all scored for Hitchins.
The decision was lustily booed by the crowd but didn’t discourage Hitchins’ celebration.
“I felt like I won the fight unanimously,” Hitchins told DAZN’s Chris Mannix. “It was a close fight. I felt like I gave away some rounds when I landed right hands and stood there and traded with him.”
Saturday’s bout came in stark contrast to Hitchins’ shutout win over former…
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