Someone posted in a coaches group asking “What conditioning consequences do you implement and for which actions ? (Tardies, unexcused absences, missed serves, drop balls, etc)” My reply to that post was:
Next to none. If you want consequences for game elements (e.g. missed serves) factor them in to how your score/count. For off-court issues I look for something that contributes to the program to make up for what was taken out of it. Didn’t get your physical paperwork in on time? Spend an hour helping the trainer with their inventory.
Like many coaches of my generation, these sorts of “conditioning consequences” were regular practice in my early career. After all, that’s what I experienced as a player and saw in other coaches. It was the default setting in my coaching brain. As such, it was the go-to, particularly in the quick decision moment when something negative just happened on the court. (See Why Do We…
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