In 1988, Seoul, South Korea, played host to the pinnacle of sporting achievement – the Olympic Games. That year, however, a new sport was poised to make a historic debut. Table tennis, a sport with a rich history but often associated with basements and recreation rooms, prepared to step onto the biggest stage and enthrall the world.
For decades, table tennis had captivated audiences with its lightning-fast rallies and awe-inspiring displays of skill. Finally, in Seoul, the sport received its long-awaited Olympic recognition. Seoul 1988 delivered. 129 athletes – 81 men and 48 women – representing a remarkable 41 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) descended upon Seoul. Enthusiasm was palpable, with over 65,000 tickets sold – a staggering 70% snapped up before the competition even began. The electrifying atmosphere inside the Seoul National University Gymnasium was a testament to the sport’s global appeal and the excitement…
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